Coat of Arms Assignment
In class, we are doing a coat of arms assignment. A coat of arms is a unique design on things like shields, surcoats, and tabards. We are currently doing designs based on our personality, and one for every six of our teachers. My class and I have to think about their special traits, and we also have to ask about their birth order. Every different color and every different symbol has a different meaning. Here is information about each color.
Red represents eagerness to serve their country.
White shows cleanliness, wisdom, and loyalty.
Orange represents ambitions.
Blue represents strength and loyalty.
Green represents freedom, healing, and loyalty.
Maroon represents persevering in battle.
Purple represents justice and majesty.
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Black represents grief.
Shield Division Information
Shield Division Information
Here is information about each shield division. Each shield division, like each color; has a different meaning and representation.
This shield division stands for protection and defense.
Stands for protection.
This division stands for rule and authority.
This division stands for faith and protection.
This division stands for the Belt of Valor, or military strips.
This division stands for military strength or bravery.
This division stands for fortitude or military strength.
This division stands for honor.
This division stands for protection.
Here is also information about my teachers' traits.
These are based off my personal experiences and what I think of each teacher.
Mr. Beckham/2nd Born
The bear represents strength and bravery.
Color: BLUE (Strength and loyalty)
The bear represents strength and bravery.
Color: BLUE (Strength and loyalty)
- Has a strict personality
- Extremely sarcastic
- Incredibly intelligent
Mr. Fuller/2nd Born
The duck represents a person of many resources.
Color: ORANGE (Ambitions)
The duck represents a person of many resources.
Color: ORANGE (Ambitions)
- Calm and short tempered at the same time
- Usually talks in a calm way unless angry
- Mostly on our side
Ms. Lowy/1st Born
The lamb represents faith, innocence, and purity.
Color: GREEN ( Freedom, healing, and loyalty.)
The lamb represents faith, innocence, and purity.
Color: GREEN ( Freedom, healing, and loyalty.)
- Likes to joke around
- Sarcastic
- Enthusiastic and helpful
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