Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Definition of "Feudalism"

The Definition of "Feudalism"

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Feudalism, also called "the feudal system" was a system that was used in Europe during the middle ages. There were four tiers; peasants at the very bottom, knights above the peasants, nobles and lords above knights, and at the very top - the king. 

The King

The king holds ownership of all the land. He grants land to others for protection, and of course; not for free. The king had extreme power always by his side. All would bow down at him- as he is the highest above all in the country. His supporters had to swear an oath of loyalty to him.

Nobles & Lords

Nobles had a limited source of education or books, like most of everyone else. Nobles were very loyal to the king. They would be granted land, then they would pledge their loyalty. The nobles and lords would swear to serve and protect the king. Nobles would also eat fancy food made by servants.


Vassals, or knights, agreed with the king to do military services in exchange for land. Vassals were extremely loyal to the king.


Peasants, or serfs, worked the pieces of land given by the king. Those pieces of land are called "fiefs".  These people are at the lowest status of the feudal system. Peasants belonged to the land. Townspeople are also included in this category.

Sources Used For Information

My Experience In Class

My experience in class was rather fun and interesting. My social studies class and I did a "roleplay" in class. We roleplayed the different classes of the feudal system. I was a peasant, or serf. I worked the fields (aka coloring in pieces of wheat), then cut them out for the lords. After all those 2 minutes of peace, the barbarians (or our social studies teacher) attacked us using paper balls. In short, my class and I roleplayed.

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